
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Bored to Death | Pt. 4 - What else do we do with our distraction?
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
We are wrapping up our series on distraction. This last episode focuses on the last two application points on what we should do when we become distracted.
Books Referenced:
"How Attention Works: Finding Your Way in a World Full of Distraction" - Stefan Van Der Stigchel
"Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain" - Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.
Scripture Referenced:
Hebrews 12:1-2

Monday Dec 14, 2020
Bored to Death | Pt. 3 - What do we do with our distraction?
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
On this episode we look at the first two application points of what we should do with our distraction.
Books Referenced:
"How Attention Works: Finding Your Way in a World Full of Distraction" - Stefan Van Der Stigchel
"Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain" - Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.
Scripture Referenced:
1 Samuel 8:4-9

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Bored to Death | Pt. 2 - Living a Life of Distraction (What does the science tell us?)
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
"We are incapable of distinguishing between what is relevant and irrelevant"
In this episode, we dive deep into statistics and scientific research on what we have learned about distraction and how we have become the most distracted humans in history. We also hold that information up to what it means to be a teenager in this life of distraction.
Scripture Referenced:
Genesis 3
Books Referenced:
"The Distracted Mind" - Adam Gazzaley & Larry D. Rosen
"How Attention Works" - Stefan Van Der Stigchel
"Still Bored in a Culture of Entertainment" - Richard Winter
"Brainstorm" - Daniel Siegel, MD
"Free to Focus" - Michael Hyatt
"Far as the Curse is Found" - Michael D. Williams

Monday Aug 31, 2020
Bored to Death | Pt. 1 - What is Distracting Your Teen?
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Distraction is a part of the human condition. Teenagers are especially susceptible to becoming distracting by the wrong things. In this episode, we talk about what those things are (what does the science say) and how do we prevent or prepare our teens to navigate distraction (what does Scripture say).
Scripture Referenced:
Luke 22:54-62
1 Kings 23-25, 11:3-6, 11-13
Genesis 3
Genesis 11:1-9
Books Referenced:
"The Distracted Mind" - Adam Gazzaley & Larry D. Rosen
"How Attention Works" - Stefan Van Der Stigchel
"Still Bored in a Culture of Entertainment" - Richard Winter
"Brainstorm" - Daniel Siegel, MD
"Free to Focus" - Michael Hyatt
"Far as the Curse is Found" - Michael D. Williams

Monday May 25, 2020
Being Present | Your Teen Needs You (no matter what they say)
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
This episode is all about the power of showing up. We cannot wait to talk about the brain science and Scriptural insights behind what it does to your child when you are fully present with them.
Book Referenced: "The Power of Showing Up" by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. & Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D
Scripture Referenced: Hebrews 11:1-12:2

Friday Apr 24, 2020
The Live Show | Part 1 - Life in Teenage Quarantine
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
We know that this time has been a huge adjustment for us all, but this is what we are experiencing and seeing with your teenagers.
1. What is our experience with teenagers during this time?
2. What can we learn from teenagers during this time?
3. How can we prepare for reentry into normal life with teenagers?
We talk about all of these questions and interact with you all during this live podcast experience.
Article Referenced: "The Reason Zoom Calls Drain Your Energy" - BBC

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
This episode is all about stress. It is an inevitable human experience and for the teenager, it can be all too consuming for them. Take a listen and find out how stress can actually be helpful when our response to it is healthy.
Scripture Referenced: Luke 22
Resources Referenced:
"Under Pressure: Confronting the Epidemic of Stress and Anxiety in Girls" - Lisa Damour, Ph.D.

Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Authenticity | It Is What Your Teenager Wants
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
On this episode, we get real with y'all. Between the brain of a teenager, the internet, and general relational dynamics, teenagers crave authenticity above most things in their life.
We explore Scripture that points us to our need for authenticity while examining interactions and experiences we have personally had with teenagers that make this true.
Scripture Referenced: Matthew 5 & 23
Music by: Philanthrope & Sleep Fish - "Space Cadet"

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Conflicting Views | What do I do when my teen has a different view than me?
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
All parents are confronted with issues of conflict with their teen. It is inevitable. What do we do when we are confronted with a point of conflict with our teen? Is this forever? When do I give in and when do I stand my ground?
All of these questions and more are answered on this episode of Biblical Application into Adolescent Drama series.
Scripture Referenced:
Luke 2:41-52
Resource Referenced:
"The Teenage Brain" by Frances E. Jensen, MD

Monday Nov 25, 2019
Saving Face (The lengths we will go to maintain our personality)
Monday Nov 25, 2019
Monday Nov 25, 2019
We will go above and beyond to deceive others and ourselves in order to put off some sort of personality. This is what we would call, identity preservation or 'saving face.' This habit begins in childhood but roots itself during the teenage years. From social media to different friend groups, we choose to portray an image of ourselves that we think others should know about us while avoiding our true selves. Why do we do this? Why is this such a big issue for teenagers? How can Scripture shed light on the issue?
Scripture Referenced:
The Gospel according to Luke
1 Kings 3 & 11
Ephesians 4:22-24
Book Referenced:
"The Whole-Brain Child" by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. & Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.